General Waiver

General Assumption of Risk and Waiver of Liability

Parents or Guardians for participants are asked to carefully read and acknowledge the following information. This page must be signed prior to participation in the program. “Avalanche Kidz” (AK) refers to the organization, its directors, agents, employees, instructors and volunteers. “You” refers to both player and parent/guardian.

* You, the undersigned, understand that hockey is a vigorous and physically demanding game in which injuries may occur. You hereby apply for registration of the below named player in the AK program, agreeing to accept reasonable risk inherent in the game of hockey including the risk of serious personal injury. The undersigned, for himself, herself, the named player, their next of kin, executors, administrators, and assigns, hereby irrevocably releases the AK, its officers, directors, coaches, assistant coaches, trainers, managers, and referees, volunteers, officials, servants, agents, and employees from all manner of claims or causes by actions in any way related to personal injury or property damage sustained by the registered player and/or the undersigned in the course of participating in, viewing or travelling to or from any of the games or programs sanctioned by the AK.

* You (parent/guardian) agree that you will remain with your player and in the arena at all times, before and after activities, assuming full responsibility for dressing and undressing your player

before and after activities, and assuming full responsibility for any of your player’s personal needs.

* You agree that intentional participant behaviour that puts them or others at physical or emotional risk will result in immediate dismissal from the program at the sole discretion of the AK directors who are responsible for the safety of the team.

* You agree that expenses incurred because of dismissal from the program will be the responsibility of the participant/parent/guardian.

* You agree that if you choose to remove your player from the AK program at any time after the player participates in an on-ice session, there will be no refund of the registration fee of $275 or of any cost for the purchase of a jersey.

* The safety of each individual is of the utmost importance to the AK and all reasonable precautions are taken prior to and during the program. AK reserves the right to alter a program at any time without compensation to participants, parents, or guardians.

* You agree that any hockey equipment issued to an athlete that is to be used for the hockey program must be returned upon request or at the end of the season. If equipment is misplaced or lost, the player and/or parent/guardian will be responsible for reimbursing the club for the full cost of the equipment.

* You agree that any borrowed team jersey(s) remain(s) the property of the AK and must be returned to the team upon request or at the end of the season. If the jersey(s) is misplaced, lost, or damaged beyond repair, the player and/or parent/guardian will be responsible for reimbursing the club for the full cost of replacing the jersey(s).

* You agree that the medical background and all other information on this form is correct, and that the participant described has permission, from both parent/guardian and physician, to engage in hockey related activities.